Friday, June 8, 2007

gail force winds

Sydney is being battered by a rather interesting weather system... The winds are howling through the city and a tanker carrying 700 tonnes of fuel has run aground at Newcastle... Quite a sight to behold on the tv... Oh and there are no ferries to Manly thanks to 5 meter swells in the harbor...There is no point using an umbrella in this sort of wind, yet people would still try and all they get for their gallant effort is an upturned umbrella and getting wet themselves... Don't think it is wise to be out there either on foot or in a car as the wind is that strong... The safest place to be in inside the house watching all the action... Well at least there is hope that the dam is collecting some much needed water from this lashing... The rain is suppose to get heavier tonight... Great start to the long weekend isn't it? I love the sound of the wind and rain hitting everything but the downside is that the wind is gusting so strongly that I have to have the window shut unless I want a free clean of the inside of my room...

Great day to be sung as a bug in a rug and just curl up to do nothing but reality is that there is still an assignment that needs completion and well guess I better get on to it right now... Thank goodness it is more than half way there word limit wise but still needs work and polishing...

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