Friday, August 24, 2007

Here once again

Am staring out onto a rather cloudy day at the moment... Well had a slight drizzle and now it is back to work... That is once the software has upgraded itself and then I will truly be away... Am sitting in my old work place working on an assignment for edl904 and that is proving a real challenge in terms of what I am doing... LOL technology sure changes very quickly and what I originally thought and planned to use is no longer the "in" thing and hence here I am using something totally different... It is going to be interesting and challenging all in the smae breathe...

Okie back to work...

Monday, August 13, 2007


It is Monday and the stress has started to build up once again... Well guess it would be better if my WebCT is working as it should...That would be a great help and would make life easier on my nerves... I was suppose to have an online session today for EPG 821 which is leading the middle years but sigh... I cant even get on to talk about so I have no idea what the discussion is about or anything like that! It is so frustrating to say the least... I tried to call the IT help desk and that was not much good at all! In fact I am back at square one!

So have decided to do some reading instead as I have an assignment due next Monday as well as Learning Activities that need to be posted... At least I am able to tick things off slowly but steadily... Hope the WebCT sorts itself out soon or else I will scream and shout and not be too nice...

Back to my reading and hope WebCT works tomorrow...
Nite nite

Was so irritated by WebCT that I decided to assemble a cake... It is not good as it is only week 3 and there are no irritating flatmates to blame it on either...

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

a new week

Well what can I say, the weeks just seem to roll by. I have had all my introductory lectures for all my courses. Some have been more interesting than others... Have had one of my Sunday sessions already and have a Saturday session this week.

It has been an interesting time thus far... The flatmate that took over from Martha has moved out and boy am I glad to see the back of her leave... It has been a torturous time and it felt like I was living with a 5 year old in a 27 year old's body. That is putting it nicely... Lets just say that she has a lot to learn about life and more importantly how to get along with people. More likely disengaged from the world is a better way of putting it...

Have decided to be really organized this semester and focused and thus I have created a calender for each month with all the important dates on it as well as the readings that need to be covered... What has being a student done to me? Never in my life have I done such a thing! Oh well... Okay I am off to bed as I need my sleep... Barking coughs are bad especially during class... Tomorrow is a new day and tomorrow is a day to look at my Law paper... The reading is rather challenging and I need to investigate NSW laws and statutes on Bullying in school... Any ideas?

Saturday, August 4, 2007

barking dog

Well trust me to be stubborn... I have been coughing for the past 2 weeks at least and I have refused to take anything for it... After all cough mixtures only suppress the cough and doesn't do anything else for it so why should I take anything for it right? Okay guess that would have been all right to let it run its course but me being me, decided to try a Mandarin juice from the supermarket... What a wonderful move that was! I have not been able to stop barking since drinking that drink... Where has my brain cells gone? At least with a cough, it really wakes me up in the morning... The positive side of having it I guess...

It is my random class tomorrow- will be stuck indoors with a whole bunch of people, some of which I enjoy their company and some are less desirable... It should be a lot of fun I guess... At least this semester most of my classes are on saturday instead which would be a novel experience...

Okie time to go off to bed...